Maxwell the Cat lore

Maxwell the Cat

In felinid religions, there is a deeply revered concept known as Maxweliyatra. This tradition tells the tale of Maxwell the Cat, the first feline to reach enlightenment. Maxwell’s journey began in the simplest of settings: by the window of his owner’s home, where he would meditate and purr, basking in the warm sunlight. Over time, […]

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Hostile aliens - alien culture and warfare


Amphipteres are the most recent addition to the Nasanii arsenal, used by only a small number of combatants they were introduced after years of domestic modification and training. By nature, Amphipteres are extremely hostile and for that very reason, they were domesticated and trained for interspecies combat and warfare. Amphipteres venom are also extremely toxic […]

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Plant like symbiotic alien


The Poly-Folli is a simple ‘plant-like’ creature most notable for its five microwave-sensitive antennae that reflect and amplify electromagnetic signals between one another. It’s a trait that automatically warns others of danger from long distances. Their main form of sensory faculty is their acute ability to perceive vibration. Poly-Folli are trained to insert 2 of […]

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Bag bug alien


Gulabs, or directly translated from the local tongue ‘shiny life’, are the personal ‘supply pack’ for all Nasnas combatants and hunters. Gulabs have a number of features that make them useful, even vital to have on long journeys and wartime. Gulabs secrete an anti-septic ‘healing balm’ that, when exposed to an open wound, both disinfects […]

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The Glotti are agile arboreal hunters that prey upon smaller creatures by either grabbing them with their four quick legs or trapping them in their strong mandibles. Unlike other creatures used by the Nasnas, Glotti were not sought out. Instead, they developed their domesticated traits after being ‘tolerated’ by the hunters and the like, perching […]

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Sapient aliens. Speculative evolution


The Nasnas are a unique sapient race with a weird series of adaptations, even compared to where they come from. They evolved from a group of primitive quadrupedal omnivores that still had partially finned arms and legs. These animals were fairly unspecialized but were beginning to use their intelligence and form ‘camps’ to hunt and […]

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Sophonce vs. Sapience vs. Sentience

Sophonce vs. Sapience vs. Sentience: What’s the Difference?

In science fiction, we often hear about three important concepts: sophonce, sapience, and sentience. Many people often conflate these concepts but they are different. Let’s break them down to make them easier to understand. Sophonce Think of sophonce as the highest level of understanding. It’s not just about solving problems; it’s also about knowing that […]

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Jupiter Brain space megastructure

Jupiter Brain

A Jupiter Brain is a space megastructure designed to function as an immensely powerful supercomputer, equal in mass and energy capacity of a gas giant. This machine represents the pinnacle of computational engineering, achievable only by most highly advanced civilizations. Design and Structure The core of a Jupiter Brain is typically composed of diamondoids, a […]

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Tharoch Aeth

The Tharoch Aeth, meaning “Cutting Flame,” are the dominant species of Elgøaq, an artificial moon.  Their society is defined by a strict caste system, perpetual warfare, and the divine influence of their machine god, Vahl. Biology The Tharoch Aeth are humanoid in shape, characterized by an iron-rich exoskeleton – a feature only viable due to the […]

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