Magical cover art for Essential Elements of Worldbuilding

The 12 Essential Elements of Worldbuilding

Worldbuilding is a crucial aspect of storytelling, whether you’re crafting an epic fantasy novel, a sci-fi saga, or even a captivating historical fiction. Constructing a detailed and immersive universe helps to immerse readers and stir their imagination – both critical to successful storytelling. So, do you achieve that? To create a truly remarkable and believable […]

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The Known World Fantasy Map

The Known World

The Known World, at least referred to as such by those that live here, is a region within Infinity Horizon. It is notable for having the highest concentration of human inhabitants within the ark, though various other races also make their homes here. To its north lies the uncharted Wild Lands, and to the East, […]

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A young witch casting magic


Magic is ubiquitous in Infinity Horizon. Mages, wizards, and warlocks can be found in virtually every pre-industrial terrestrial society. However, what the various races perceive as magic is merely the remnants of advanced forgotten technology. When a mage chants incantations to summon a fireball, it is merely a command in a bygone language activating the […]

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