Alien language script. Worldbuilding resource. Visuals by Artist CrisPing

Brrla nrr Lah (The Language of Everything)

Brrla nrr Lah (The Language of Everything) is a minimalist conlang (constructed language) designed for use in the grand fictional setting of Infinity Horizon. The language is noted for its extremely limited vocabulary, putting the focus on essential communication. The concept of creating new words by combining existing ones is a strong feature, allowing the […]

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convergent evolution aliens

Understanding Convergent Evolution: When Nature Copies Itself

In the world of xenobiology, there’s a fascinating concept called convergent evolution. It’s like nature’s way of creating lookalikes. Imagine two species that develop similar traits or features even though they aren’t related. This is what we call convergent evolution. Why Does Convergent Evolution Happen? Convergent evolution occurs when different species find themselves dealing with […]

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Magical cover art for Essential Elements of Worldbuilding

The 12 Essential Elements of Worldbuilding

Worldbuilding is a crucial aspect of storytelling, whether you’re crafting an epic fantasy novel, a sci-fi saga, or even a captivating historical fiction. Constructing a detailed and immersive universe helps to immerse readers and stir their imagination – both critical to successful storytelling. So, do you achieve that? To create a truly remarkable and believable […]

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Recommended world building tools

10 Recommended Worldbuilding Tools

Worldbuilding is the process of creating a fictional world, including its history, geography, cultures, and people. Understandably, it can be a daunting task, but thankfully, there are numerous tools and resources available to help you quickly get started. Best on the feedback of our community, here are 10 recommended worldbuilding tools and resources:   Maps […]

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