Boltzmann brain concept art

Boltzmann brain

Boltzmann brain is a hypothetical concept in physics that states, given enough time and a universe with a high enough entropy, it is more probable that a self-aware brain would spontaneously arise in the universe by chance than for a complex universe (like ours) to form through natural processes. This brain could be a simple, […]

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A picture of future sci-fi earth close up


Earth (Gaia) is the homeworld of humanity and is currently the de facto capital of the Galatic Commonwealth. Its surface is defined by a vast expanse of nature with pockets of super-dense cities all interconnected with underground vacuum tubes feasible for hypersonic transport. For movement between the most important of locations, the compression of space-time […]

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A young witch casting magic


Magic is ubiquitous in Infinity Horizon. Mages, wizards, and warlocks can be found in virtually every pre-industrial terrestrial society. However, what the various races perceive as magic is merely the remnants of advanced forgotten technology. When a mage chants incantations to summon a fireball, it is merely a command in a bygone language activating the […]

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Lobsters internet

Bronstein’s Lobster Dilemma 

Bronstein’s Lobster Dilemma refers to the moral implications of uploading one’s mind into cyberspace. Given at rate at which A.I. led cyberspace progresses, any uploaded organic conscience eventually will become overwhelmed by the incomprehensible complexity. An analogy could be that of a lobster’s mind uploaded into the human internet and forced to try and figure […]

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Cyberpunk alien


The star system TRAPPIST-1 is home to an unusually high number of life-supporting planets – 7 in total. Curiously, all complex terrestrial life found in the entire star system traces its descent from one common ancestor – Specimen 11b2. Researchers remain puzzled how this seemingly primitive omnivore was able to populate all seven of the […]

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Giant armored alien


To achieve sapience does not guarantee a species will continue to advance technologically. Rather, continuous technological advancement is a rare quirk bestowed upon the fortunate [or unfortunate depending on who you ask] few amidst the millions who have seen their civilizations emerge and disappear. The Ceberyen, hailing from the high-gravity world of Ayala, is certainly […]

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Samurai inspired alien


Suddenly cut off from the rest of the hive, the kayvara throng present on the ark, Infinity Horizon, was quick to degenerate into a feral and ravenous host…that is until the emergence of the first necromancer – the one who betrayed. Being cut off from the greater gestalt consciousness had little impact on him for […]

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