sentient rock. rock creature


To an uninformed observer, they may appear as megalithic structures – lifeless and unmoving. However, this is a mere misjudgment born from the relatively of time. What are centuries for other lifeforms are mere passing moments for the Gesipids. A silica-based lifeform, they communicate through emitting electromagnetic radiation. Large networks of communications can form between […]

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Large alien - speculative evolution. Inspired by the book: Expedition

Dire Khest

On Dra’Hynus, amid the drowned deltas of the Behean Shelf, towering mangroves strip nutrients from brackish waters, and life flourishes beneath their boughs. Silt flows form small islands amongst the trees’ roots. Between these loamy isles, hidden in the murk, gardens swim against the current. The Wandering Gardens of Behea The phenomenon known as the […]

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