Jupiter Brain space megastructure

Jupiter Brain

A Jupiter Brain is a space megastructure designed to function as an immensely powerful supercomputer, equal in mass and energy capacity of a gas giant. This machine represents the pinnacle of computational engineering, achievable only by most highly advanced civilizations. Design and Structure The core of a Jupiter Brain is typically composed of diamondoids, a […]

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Tharoch Aeth

The Tharoch Aeth, meaning “Cutting Flame,” are the dominant species of Elgøaq, an artificial moon.  Their society is defined by a strict caste system, perpetual warfare, and the divine influence of their machine god, Vahl. Biology The Tharoch Aeth are humanoid in shape, characterized by an iron-rich exoskeleton – a feature only viable due to the […]

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hypothetical megastructure - world minds

God of Strife

Hidden in the treacherous depths of space lie ancient curiosities orbiting alien suns: the World Minds. Their creation predates the genesis of nearly every space-faring species, and those that might be old enough to have recorded the monolithic endeavor of creating these planet-sized AI are loath to share their secrets. And so, the World Minds […]

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