Tirant, the White Gale

Tirant, the White Gale

“The humans called him savior. The Dravuri called him butcher. In the end, the sea called him home.” — Elder Vosh-Katag, Holten’Kanaq Shaman of the Drowned Isles   To speak of the Middle Sea is to speak of war, for its waters have never known peace. And yet, among the countless corpses it has claimed, […]

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Alien pirate character

Learned Hand the Voidborne

Learned Hand is a Voidborne pirate, arms dealer, and politician. He is the captain of the Sundial, a solar sail-propelled trading vessel. As a Voidborne, Learned Hand is able to survive in incredibly low-pressure environments, including the vacuum of space for a short period of time, with minimal life support. This life support is located […]

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Maxwell the Cat lore

Maxwell the Cat

In felinid religions, there is a deeply revered concept known as Maxweliyatra. This tradition tells the tale of Maxwell the Cat, the first feline to reach enlightenment. Maxwell’s journey began in the simplest of settings: by the window of his owner’s home, where he would meditate and purr, basking in the warm sunlight. Over time, […]

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