

Once, long ago, the galaxy bowed to the will of the Precursors – the firstborn inheritors of thought, the primordial flame of sapience in a cosmos still slumbering. Born from flesh and the fire of early stars, they forsook their flesh and reached beyond the ephemeral, abandoning the fragility of organic life for the permanence […]

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Alien pillars - mysterious monoliths


As the morning suns rise once more over the lakes; the messy form of the galaxy vanishing like a phantom. Something new raises its stalks. Slowly, a sizable amount of fluid gets pumped into tubes made of elastic nanite components. At their tips, are plates of monocrystalline silicon, glinting in the morning sun. One day… […]

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The Imperials

A lush Gaia planet of perpetual daylight, the Imperial home world was located near the galaxy’s center. The planet was largely unimpacted by the Fall but the planet’s abundance proved to be its curse. Cut off from the rest of the galaxy, innovation stagnated and inequality grew. And with it, the contempt of the privileged […]

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A howler fighting his enemy. Speculative alien art


The Howlers were one of the successor species of the ancient Yinnari and by far the most successful. They stemmed their origin from within the Great Rift, where once was a massive planet-sized space station orbiting a black hole. For a time, after the Fall, life at the station continued normally. Yet, cut off from […]

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The Yinnari were the first organics to achieve space flight some 2.9 billion years ago. Within 100 million years, they had spread to cover almost all the galaxy. They achieve technological advancements far beyond that of any other species that would come to emerge in the Milky Way. Yet, for all their progress, an event, […]

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