Anthocyanins: blue leaves

Pigments of the Future: Anthocyanins in Speculative Evolution

Anthocyanins are pigments found in many plants that give them their red, purple, and blue colors. These pigments are more than just decoration; they play important roles in how plants interact with their environment. In speculative evolution—where we imagine how life might adapt to different conditions—anthocyanins can be key to understanding plant survival in alien […]

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Life is hard in the Ashen Wastes. Water and food are scarce. For the longest time, the sands were home to only nomads, specifically a desert-adapted subspecies of Thyr known as the Kuni. They resemble tall, lithe humanoids with dark gray skin. They have black hair and are highly muscular. They are also resilient; a […]

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Alien ocean planet - speculative evolution


Kallol is the homeworld of the Shifter civilization. A billion years ago, it was also once the homeworld of the Nokk before their genetic liquidation by the Shifters. Once a thriving ocean ecosystem rich in biodiversity, over the eons, it has been completely transformed by the Shifters. Everything that now is considered living has been […]

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Fictional world of Armageddon


Formally, a capital metropolis of the Ark, the region has since over countless millennia turned into ruin and overtaken by nature. Nevertheless, hidden caches of advanced technologies can still be found then and now, which are exploited by the various races that inhabit the lost continent. Today, it is only known as Armageddon, for it […]

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Vaukala - realistic night goblins

Vaukala [Night Merchants]

Inside the Ark, when the sun dims, those who remember and watch chart the world with the hearths of men and monsters. The Vaukala have gone by many names since they crossed the Great Expanse to Armageddon decades ago, called by their “god” of magic and a hunger for more than knowledge. Tales of “The […]

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Magical cover art for Essential Elements of Worldbuilding

The 12 Essential Elements of Worldbuilding

Worldbuilding is a crucial aspect of storytelling, whether you’re crafting an epic fantasy novel, a sci-fi saga, or even a captivating historical fiction. Constructing a detailed and immersive universe helps to immerse readers and stir their imagination – both critical to successful storytelling. So, do you achieve that? To create a truly remarkable and believable […]

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Beastmen of the southern wastes


The Dravuri, or as they are known in the common tongue, “Darkbloods” are an aggressive, barbaric race that inhabit the Southern Wastes. Though considered profane, brutish, and uncivilized outcasts by the other races, few outsiders are actually privy to their true way of life. No one save for the Darkbloods are capable of living in […]

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Recommended world building tools

10 Recommended Worldbuilding Tools

Worldbuilding is the process of creating a fictional world, including its history, geography, cultures, and people. Understandably, it can be a daunting task, but thankfully, there are numerous tools and resources available to help you quickly get started. Best on the feedback of our community, here are 10 recommended worldbuilding tools and resources:   Maps […]

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