Insectoid bio-weapon


In the depths of the Infinity Horizon, the Rakshas are a feared presence. Once created for war, they now inhabit the many uncharted territories of the Sphere, whose inner surface has regressed into a blend of futuristic ruins and primal wilderness. Their resemblance to ancient demon myths isn’t coincidental—humans, upon first encountering them, likened their […]

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Cold alien planet - speculative scifi

Rogue (Planet)

Rogue is the sixth planet in the Tweedum’s home system. It is a cold planet, with both the north and south covered in kilometer-thick icecaps extending to the subtropics. Beyond, however, life thrives in its diversity, even if the environment remains harsh and unforgiving. Characterized by its distinct biome comprised of vast fields of wormgrass, […]

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Carnivorous plants - speculative evolution

Thunder Plant

The Erimian thunder plant is a species of carnivorous plant native to the dry shrublands and waterways of its homeworld, Erimia. On average they are 5 meters tall and are composed of 4 main body sections: the root system, the bulb, the leaf, and finally the wire canopy. First is the root system. The root […]

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Hostile aliens - alien culture and warfare


Amphipteres are the most recent addition to the Nasanii arsenal, used by only a small number of combatants they were introduced after years of domestic modification and training. By nature, Amphipteres are extremely hostile and for that very reason, they were domesticated and trained for interspecies combat and warfare. Amphipteres venom are also extremely toxic […]

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Tharoch Aeth

The Tharoch Aeth, meaning “Cutting Flame,” are the dominant species of Elgøaq, an artificial moon.  Their society is defined by a strict caste system, perpetual warfare, and the divine influence of their machine god, Vahl. Biology The Tharoch Aeth are humanoid in shape, characterized by an iron-rich exoskeleton – a feature only viable due to the […]

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Super earth alien - mist speculative sci-fi


The massive depressions that were once home to Nibbio‘s oceans now serve as vast swamps perpetually covered in mist. Because of high humidity and atmospheric pressure, the environment can feel tropical in an otherwise cold planet. If one were to step foot in these, swamps, they would find essentially expanses of decomposing high-growth organic matter, […]

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Speculative evolution, shared universe creature

Chatter Bat

In the deep caverns of Laksha, peculiar creatures thrive. This environment closely resembles the depths of the ocean, characterized by minimal light and scarce sustenance. Despite these harsh conditions, life has managed to flourish within these caves and trenches, displaying remarkable adaptability. One such cave-dweller is the chatter bat. This airborne species boasts a unique […]

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Alien parasite

Clown Car Leech

The Clown Car Leech, also known as Priam’s Worm, is a small, winged parasite, roughly one inch in length. It searches for a host in humid environments such as swamps and brackish shorelines. Once an egg-carrying adult attaches to a host through a triple-jaw, it first sucks the victim’s blood, then regurgitates it along with […]

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Truncodile - speculative evolution apex predator


Endemic to the Black Coast Islands in Infinity Horizon lies an endemic predator with a nightmarish reputation. You might see a hand struggling to stay above water and even muffled cries of drowning, but upon closer inspection, the hand is a crude imitation of one, with the arm a tentacle. The truncodile, or, as known […]

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A storm serpent - inspired by ghost leviathans

Storm Serpent

In the mighty lakes of Southern Laksha, one may be quick to encounter its apex predator – the Storm Serpent. Despite its moniker, it bears little resemblance to traditional serpents. Instead, it takes on the form of a sleek and sinuous eel with a striking green metallic sheen. Bioluminescent patterns flicker along its slender body, […]

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