Insectoid bio-weapon


In the depths of the Infinity Horizon, the Rakshas are a feared presence. Once created for war, they now inhabit the many uncharted territories of the Sphere, whose inner surface has regressed into a blend of futuristic ruins and primal wilderness. Their resemblance to ancient demon myths isn’t coincidental—humans, upon first encountering them, likened their […]

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Griever animal - sci-fi alien novels


Among the largest predators that stalk the vast salt plains of Garmiwala is a night hunter known simply as…. The Griever The name stems from a semi-mythical story associated with the animal. Centuries ago, one of the first expeditions to the planet ended in disaster. Contact was lost with the ship and a rescue mission […]

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Large alien - speculative evolution. Inspired by the book: Expedition

Dire Khest

On Dra’Hynus, amid the drowned deltas of the Behean Shelf, towering mangroves strip nutrients from brackish waters, and life flourishes beneath their boughs. Silt flows form small islands amongst the trees’ roots. Between these loamy isles, hidden in the murk, gardens swim against the current. The Wandering Gardens of Behea The phenomenon known as the […]

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speculative evolution tree predator


It’s another rainy day in the forests of Laksa, you’re a small creature foraging for food in the dark undergrowth. Thunder encloses the forest floor with the sound echoing throughout the trees with each lightning faintly illuminating your surroundings. But over all the sounds of thunder and rain, you hear something in the trees above […]

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Truncodile - speculative evolution apex predator


Endemic to the Black Coast Islands in Infinity Horizon lies an endemic predator with a nightmarish reputation. You might see a hand struggling to stay above water and even muffled cries of drowning, but upon closer inspection, the hand is a crude imitation of one, with the arm a tentacle. The truncodile, or, as known […]

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Sci-fi epic war poster - giant gators


Titanic in proportion and armed with keen intelligence, if you ever come across an Armagator, better pray it doesn’t consider you an enemy. While found scattered throughout the Ark, sighting one remains rare. This is because they usually reside in places considered extremely inhospitable to most other organics. Armagators are considered a form of hyperthermophiles, […]

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Realistic alien Leviathan - Spec evo

Scarlet Sailor

The Scarlet Sailor, also known as the ‘Blood Moon’ Sailor, is a massive creature from the planet Geb. With their huge size and flamboyant sails, they are among the most stunning and iconic lifeforms found on the planet. Description and Anatomy Sailors belong to the clade Ambulanavidae, part of a larger part of a “phylum” […]

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Giant space alien

Friendly Shadow

George Talivon, of the United Provinces of America (UPA) was the first person to catalog the existence of the dwarf planet Falcoron in 2633. As is common tradition in the UPA, they granted him a sizable portion of land on the dwarf planet. In 2918, Malaree Toi discovered the first signs of life inside the […]

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Alien leviathan. Speculative evolution

Titan Scissorjaw

At the top of the food chain in Dra’Hynusian waters swims the Titan Scissorjaw. At 45 m (147 ft) and weighing nearly 300 tons, the species is almost twice the length of Earth’s Blue Whales and a decent chunk heavier; these leviathans are enough to make the most seasoned of seafarers fall to their knees […]

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Arrow tongue look-alike giant alien


Growing to truly massive sizes is a difficult task, especially if your diet consists mostly of meat. However, on the highly bio-diverse planet of Laksha, finding enough to eat meals isn’t as hard, especially if primary food sources are the many titans of the world you inhabit. Restricted to flat terrain by their weight, Spearmouth […]

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