

Once, long ago, the galaxy bowed to the will of the Precursors – the firstborn inheritors of thought, the primordial flame of sapience in a cosmos still slumbering. Born from flesh and the fire of early stars, they forsook their flesh and reached beyond the ephemeral, abandoning the fragility of organic life for the permanence […]

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Alien pillars - mysterious monoliths


As the morning suns rise once more over the lakes; the messy form of the galaxy vanishing like a phantom. Something new raises its stalks. Slowly, a sizable amount of fluid gets pumped into tubes made of elastic nanite components. At their tips, are plates of monocrystalline silicon, glinting in the morning sun. One day… […]

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hypothetical megastructure - world minds

God of Strife

Hidden in the treacherous depths of space lie ancient curiosities orbiting alien suns: the World Minds. Their creation predates the genesis of nearly every space-faring species, and those that might be old enough to have recorded the monolithic endeavor of creating these planet-sized AI are loath to share their secrets. And so, the World Minds […]

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Small silicon based life

Heartthrob Needleshell

The Needleshell is a tiny burrowing creature that has adapted to enjoy a mutualistic relationship with the predatory Gutpeircer. The large carnivore shoots the Neeldleshell into prey using its needle. Once inside, the Needleshell will soon begin boring its way through the muscle and fat of the prey animal. To kill the animal as quickly […]

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sentient rock. rock creature


To an uninformed observer, they may appear as megalithic structures – lifeless and unmoving. However, this is a mere misjudgment born from the relatively of time. What are centuries for other lifeforms are mere passing moments for the Gesipids. A silica-based lifeform, they communicate through emitting electromagnetic radiation. Large networks of communications can form between […]

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