Super earth alien - mist speculative sci-fi


The massive depressions that were once home to Nibbio‘s oceans now serve as vast swamps perpetually covered in mist. Because of high humidity and atmospheric pressure, the environment can feel tropical in an otherwise cold planet. If one were to step foot in these, swamps, they would find essentially expanses of decomposing high-growth organic matter, […]

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Speculative evolution, shared universe creature

Chatter Bat

In the deep caverns of Laksha, peculiar creatures thrive. This environment closely resembles the depths of the ocean, characterized by minimal light and scarce sustenance. Despite these harsh conditions, life has managed to flourish within these caves and trenches, displaying remarkable adaptability. One such cave-dweller is the chatter bat. This airborne species boasts a unique […]

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speculative evolution tree predator


It’s another rainy day in the forests of Laksa, you’re a small creature foraging for food in the dark undergrowth. Thunder encloses the forest floor with the sound echoing throughout the trees with each lightning faintly illuminating your surroundings. But over all the sounds of thunder and rain, you hear something in the trees above […]

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Life is hard in the Ashen Wastes. Water and food are scarce. For the longest time, the sands were home to only nomads, specifically a desert-adapted subspecies of Thyr known as the Kuni. They resemble tall, lithe humanoids with dark gray skin. They have black hair and are highly muscular. They are also resilient; a […]

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white chimpanzee -speculative evolution

Tele Teka

In the Dread Woods, as the night comes, one can often hear the howls of the Tele Teka. A descendant of Earth’s great apes, it measures five feet tall, is bipedal, and stands in a crouch. The ape has very poor eyesight and feels its way around using its long, sensitive fingers. The Tela Teka […]

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Prometheus Description - Concept

Prometheus Protocol

The Prometheus Protocol is a highly controversial ongoing war tactic employed against the Deluge by the Coalition. Implemented by the matrioshka brain, Pathfinder, it involves deliberately injecting false memories or misinformation into the populace of less strategic planets before sacrificing them to the Deluge. Since the entity absorbs the consciousness and memories of those it […]

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Alien parasite

Clown Car Leech

The Clown Car Leech, also known as Priam’s Worm, is a small, winged parasite, roughly one inch in length. It searches for a host in humid environments such as swamps and brackish shorelines. Once an egg-carrying adult attaches to a host through a triple-jaw, it first sucks the victim’s blood, then regurgitates it along with […]

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Truncodile - speculative evolution apex predator


Endemic to the Black Coast Islands in Infinity Horizon lies an endemic predator with a nightmarish reputation. You might see a hand struggling to stay above water and even muffled cries of drowning, but upon closer inspection, the hand is a crude imitation of one, with the arm a tentacle. The truncodile, or, as known […]

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