Giant golden orb robot


Perhaps the only beings to remember the time before the fall, the harbingers are incredibly ancient and by the present have dwindled to only a few dozen. Yet each harbinger, immense and otherworldly, is a dreadful adversary to any who oppose it, capable of destroying entire armies of even the most powerful of terrestrial kingdoms. […]

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Cyberpunk alien


The star system TRAPPIST-1 is home to an unusually high number of life-supporting planets – 7 in total. Curiously, all complex terrestrial life found in the entire star system traces its descent from one common ancestor – Specimen 11b2. Researchers remain puzzled how this seemingly primitive omnivore was able to populate all seven of the […]

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Giant armored alien


To achieve sapience does not guarantee a species will continue to advance technologically. Rather, continuous technological advancement is a rare quirk bestowed upon the fortunate [or unfortunate depending on who you ask] few amidst the millions who have seen their civilizations emerge and disappear. The Ceberyen, hailing from the high-gravity world of Ayala, is certainly […]

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A regal alien ambassador


The Kayvara are a progenitor hivemind, led by a semi-autonomous leader caste. They are a purely space-bound civilization. If they had a home planet, any information on it or its ultimate fate has been lost to obscurity for the Kayvara keep no written records and rarely share what they know. The Kayvara have no standard […]

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The first advanced civilization to inhabit Earth was the Aness which resided on the planet some 2.2 billion years ago. Nothing is known of this species save that it was driven to extinction along with all complex life during the Second Cataclysm.

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The Yinnari were the first organics to achieve space flight some 2.9 billion years ago. Within 100 million years, they had spread to cover almost all the galaxy. They achieve technological advancements far beyond that of any other species that would come to emerge in the Milky Way. Yet, for all their progress, an event, […]

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Marine clonal aliens


Roughly resembling sharks of planet Earth, each specimen is in fact a colony composed of many physically connected, interdependent organisms. They are an extreme product of species interdependence and specialization to the point of them becoming organs of a greater whole. Individual organisms within the shifters are genetically identical and are connected by tissue and […]

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Bea'viskar - squid alien


What passes off as a Bea’viskar are in fact two species in symbiosis. The Bea, a sentient lifeform, has come to rely on the Viskar for its nutritional needs. The Viskar, in turn, is offered a host that provides protection and mobility. Millions of years of co-evolution have led to the Bea developing higher intelligence […]

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