lizardmen rune shaman


Hotenten are a reptilian race documented to be native to the Lands of Wah, although in recent history they have also come to settle in the Known World. Primarily a seafaring society, the Hotenten have come to forge various kingdoms based on trade, exploring distant lands and establishing prosperous colonies. Their affinity for the sea […]

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Space Elves Art


The Alfar are an offshoot of humans that were genetically modified by the Bea’viskar during the YeXXx rebellion. Rather uncharacterized of a space-age war, the conflict revolved primarily around terrestrial combat. Instead of decisive space battles, the contested planets became the battlegrounds for colossal field armies vying for dominance. The Alfar served in support and […]

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Sci-fi epic war poster - giant gators


Titanic in proportion and armed with keen intelligence, if you ever come across an Armagator, better pray it doesn’t consider you an enemy. While found scattered throughout the Ark, sighting one remains rare. This is because they usually reside in places considered extremely inhospitable to most other organics. Armagators are considered a form of hyperthermophiles, […]

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Beastmen of the southern wastes


The Dravuri, or as they are known in the common tongue, “Darkbloods” are an aggressive, barbaric race that inhabit the Southern Wastes. Though considered profane, brutish, and uncivilized outcasts by the other races, few outsiders are actually privy to their true way of life. No one save for the Darkbloods are capable of living in […]

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Giant Humans. Spec-evo race

The Oong

The Oong are an herbivorous race of giants native to the Rachi Steppes. Their origin is a result of selective pressure, being derived from human descendants who evolved herd mentality and grew larger due to being preyed upon by the Weria. As their main foes commonly change appearance, and the Oong, by nature, tend to […]

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Speculative dinosaur by Sol'kesh


Many millions of years ago, a Howler expedition to Earth brought with it some lizards as curios. They were later released into the ark’s ecosystem. Present day, their descendants strike terror as the apex predators of their domain. Measuring an average length of 17.4 feet, Sacrissian is an imposing monster that lurks in the forest […]

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Advanced underwater alien civilization


Far within the depths of the structure’s oceans lies a civilization far more advanced than any terrestrial counterpart. Cities of immense size filled with wonders inconceivable to the uninformed stick out as lit oases amidst the unending abyss. The Nokk prize technology and science above all. While their realm has been ever-expanding, the underwater world […]

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The Known World Fantasy Map

The Known World

The Known World, at least referred to as such by those that live here, is a region within Infinity Horizon. It is notable for having the highest concentration of human inhabitants within the ark, though various other races also make their homes here. To its north lies the uncharted Wild Lands, and to the East, […]

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A human portrait. RPG sci-fi fantasy


With the Ark sealed off, humans inhabiting Infinity Horizon were forced to adapt to their new harsh and unforgiving reality of total isolation. Cut off from the advanced technology and knowledge of their ancestors for countless cycles, the various cultures within the sphere have developed their own unique traditions and beliefs. Some humans have turned […]

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A pack of meat-eating geese

Hunter Geese

The ark, Infinity Horizon, is home to many strange and terrible life forms. However, few inspire as much fear and dread as the Branta Ezekiel, a former waterfowl that evolved from Earth’s common wild goose. Intelligent, highly aggressive, and hunting in groups, they are well capable of killing even large prey. Flying in a V-formation, […]

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