gobos - goblins in science fiction


  Twisted forms emerge, Echoes of lost nobility, Survival’s cruel dance. Gobos are a nuisant race that inhabit the swamplands of the Known World. As individuals, they are pests, and as a group, dangerous adversaries to travelers and settlers alike. They reside on the fringes of civilization, ever seeking opportunity to prey on the unfortunate […]

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Alien lice or bug


Swamplice, also known as “ballastbugs”, are isopod-like animals native to the tropical and subtropical coasts of Dra’Hynus. They use local, organic materials to camouflage themselves and ward off predators. The swamplice of the Behean Shelf are noted in particular for reaching larger sizes and living longer. This is more a change in diet than a […]

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Kirtimukha - Hindu Inspired sci-fi


The Kirtimukha are an imposing sight, standing at 8 feet tall and their forms are adorned with various accessories [both synthetic and organic]. They form the elite-caste of a vast galactic empire, composed of hundreds of species. Honor-bound, they are noted both for their honesty, hospitality, and their ferocity against those unfortunate enough to wrong […]

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Near the center of the galaxy, there is a planet orbiting around a red dwarf. The star’s perpetual eruptions have swept away the oceans and thinned the planet’s atmosphere over eons. There now only exists a black sphere of lava and basaltic rock, which we know as Ahamar. Slightly larger than Earth, Ahamar takes its […]

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sentient rock. rock creature


To an uninformed observer, they may appear as megalithic structures – lifeless and unmoving. However, this is a mere misjudgment born from the relatively of time. What are centuries for other lifeforms are mere passing moments for the Gesipids. A silica-based lifeform, they communicate through emitting electromagnetic radiation. Large networks of communications can form between […]

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Large alien - speculative evolution. Inspired by the book: Expedition

Dire Khest

On Dra’Hynus, amid the drowned deltas of the Behean Shelf, towering mangroves strip nutrients from brackish waters, and life flourishes beneath their boughs. Silt flows form small islands amongst the trees’ roots. Between these loamy isles, hidden in the murk, gardens swim against the current. The Wandering Gardens of Behea The phenomenon known as the […]

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Scary swamp alien

Nortvitch Hideback

Haunting the the fog-covered swamps of the Veiled Mire is the Nortvitch Hideback, a 6ft tall lanky amphibious with powerful limbs it uses to effortlessly navigate through its environs. The species is known to be an active hunter, stalking its prey in silence, moving slowly so as not to alert its victim. However should the […]

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Super earth alien - mist speculative sci-fi


The massive depressions that were once home to Nibbio‘s oceans now serve as vast swamps perpetually covered in mist. Because of high humidity and atmospheric pressure, the environment can feel tropical in an otherwise cold planet. If one were to step foot in these, swamps, they would find essentially expanses of decomposing high-growth organic matter, […]

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Speculative evolution, shared universe creature

Chatter Bat

In the deep caverns of Laksha, peculiar creatures thrive. This environment closely resembles the depths of the ocean, characterized by minimal light and scarce sustenance. Despite these harsh conditions, life has managed to flourish within these caves and trenches, displaying remarkable adaptability. One such cave-dweller is the chatter bat. This airborne species boasts a unique […]

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speculative evolution tree predator


It’s another rainy day in the forests of Laksa, you’re a small creature foraging for food in the dark undergrowth. Thunder encloses the forest floor with the sound echoing throughout the trees with each lightning faintly illuminating your surroundings. But over all the sounds of thunder and rain, you hear something in the trees above […]

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