Speculative spider-like alien


Hailing from the world of Qanir Gamma, the Cavyrns’ world is in many ways similar to what one can define as your typical habitable planet, having vast seas of water and a nitrogen-rich atmosphere. However, despite these similarities, there are a few glaring differences. Instead of a planet, Qanir Gamma is a moon that orbits […]

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Intelligence in cats - speculative evolution


Felinids are sentient cats endowed with remarkable intelligence. Through deliberate breeding and selective practices, humans over the many millennia elevated these feline creatures to the status of sophonts and thus an equal contributor to the state of their society. Further deliberate acts of adaptions led to them possessing flexible fingers and opposable thumbs flexible fingers […]

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A howler fighting his enemy. Speculative alien art


The Howlers were one of the successor species of the ancient Yinnari and by far the most successful. They stemmed their origin from within the Great Rift, where once was a massive planet-sized space station orbiting a black hole. For a time, after the Fall, life at the station continued normally. Yet, cut off from […]

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A human portrait. RPG sci-fi fantasy


With the Ark sealed off, humans inhabiting Infinity Horizon were forced to adapt to their new harsh and unforgiving reality of total isolation. Cut off from the advanced technology and knowledge of their ancestors for countless cycles, the various cultures within the sphere have developed their own unique traditions and beliefs. Some humans have turned […]

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Two shirrin aliens greeting each other in the morning


Shirrins (Iduiculis flexitarsus) are a highly intelligent octopedal species native to the arid habitable planet of Garmiwala. Biology The species’ most notable feature is its single, highly advanced shielded eye. It is covered in a layer of super clear enamel that gives them clear vision without the need for eyelids. The pupil is made of […]

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Before the first wave, life was simple. Tiny specks of life-powered by chemical decay filled the waters. Then the first wave came. The green wave. Being powered by light, life of the first wave quickly overran the ancient life and spread through the waters and lands, taking countless forms Then the second wave came. The […]

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Cyberpunk alien


The star system TRAPPIST-1 is home to an unusually high number of life-supporting planets – 7 in total. Curiously, all complex terrestrial life found in the entire star system traces its descent from one common ancestor – Specimen 11b2. Researchers remain puzzled how this seemingly primitive omnivore was able to populate all seven of the […]

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Giant armored alien


To achieve sapience does not guarantee a species will continue to advance technologically. Rather, continuous technological advancement is a rare quirk bestowed upon the fortunate [or unfortunate depending on who you ask] few amidst the millions who have seen their civilizations emerge and disappear. The Ceberyen, hailing from the high-gravity world of Ayala, is certainly […]

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The daitya, hailing from the low-gravity planet of Laksha, are a race of super-massive intelligent beings with the largest specimens reaching heights of up to 300 feet. Aside from their immense size, two other aspects make the daitya notable: their unique means of communication and their syncretic relationship with another advanced species. Instead of visuals […]

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The first advanced civilization to inhabit Earth was the Aness which resided on the planet some 2.2 billion years ago. Nothing is known of this species save that it was driven to extinction along with all complex life during the Second Cataclysm.

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