A green alien planet in Infinity Horizon Universe


“Oh, Laksha, celestial masterpiece sculpted by hands unseen! Within your enchanting embrace, one is compelled to release the constraints of common worries and surrender to the allure of the infinite. For in your ethereal depths, where giants roam and nature’s symphony resounds, the mortal spirit finds respite, nourished by the sheer magnificence of a world […]

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Nava’graha collectively refers to the seven planets that collectively make up the Tweedum’s home system. These planets are among the most industry and population-dense celestial objects cataloged so far within the known galaxy, where massive forges and fabricators alongside trillions of workers labor non-stop to provide various goods for cheap to the rest of the […]

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Genesis Prime

Originally thought of as a super-earth, this gargantuan planet’s surface was soon discovered to be a shell encased around a gas giant. The original builders of this mega-structure remained unknown, nor could it be truly deciphered how ancient it was. Nevertheless, because the surface gravity was similar to that of Earth and already contained a […]

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desert alien planet of garmiwala


Garmiwala is an odd planet; it is the sole example of its kind to harbor complex life despite liquid water comprising a fraction of its surface. Little larger than Mars, its low gravity may explain its current state of aridity, having lost most of its moisture to space over the eons. Nevertheless, life still thrives […]

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Speculative spider-like alien


Hailing from the world of Qanir Gamma, the Cavyrns’ world is in many ways similar to what one can define as your typical habitable planet, having vast seas of water and a nitrogen-rich atmosphere. However, despite these similarities, there are a few glaring differences. Instead of a planet, Qanir Gamma is a moon that orbits […]

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Intelligence in cats - speculative evolution


Felinids are sentient cats endowed with remarkable intelligence. Through deliberate breeding and selective practices, humans over the many millennia elevated these feline creatures to the status of sophonts and thus an equal contributor to the state of their society. Further deliberate acts of adaptions led to them possessing flexible fingers and opposable thumbs flexible fingers […]

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A howler fighting his enemy. Speculative alien art


The Howlers were one of the successor species of the ancient Yinnari and by far the most successful. They stemmed their origin from within the Great Rift, where once was a massive planet-sized space station orbiting a black hole. For a time, after the Fall, life at the station continued normally. Yet, cut off from […]

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Create Your Faction

With the creation of each new map, we allow our community members to fill it up with their own creatively designed factions. The winner is selected through popular vote and receives a special prize. Please read the instructions carefully before submitting your entry. Instructions: To participate in the contest, you must design a fictional nation […]

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A human portrait. RPG sci-fi fantasy


With the Ark sealed off, humans inhabiting Infinity Horizon were forced to adapt to their new harsh and unforgiving reality of total isolation. Cut off from the advanced technology and knowledge of their ancestors for countless cycles, the various cultures within the sphere have developed their own unique traditions and beliefs. Some humans have turned […]

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