
Marriage Wars

The Marriage Wars was a multigenerational conflict that ravaged the Kayvara Armada and the Kirtimukha Hegemony for 300 years. This protracted war left both empires greatly weakened, with billions dead and countless star systems scarred by relentless battles. The conflict began with what was meant to be a union of peace. In a grand diplomatic […]

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Prometheus Description - Concept

Prometheus Protocol

The Prometheus Protocol is a highly controversial ongoing war tactic employed against the Deluge by the Coalition. Implemented by the matrioshka brain, Pathfinder, it involves deliberately injecting false memories or misinformation into the populace of less strategic planets before sacrificing them to the Deluge. Since the entity absorbs the consciousness and memories of those it […]

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Advanced underwater alien civilization


Far within the depths of the structure’s oceans lies a civilization far more advanced than any terrestrial counterpart. Cities of immense size filled with wonders inconceivable to the uninformed stick out as lit oases amidst the unending abyss. The Nokk prize technology and science above all. While their realm has been ever-expanding, the underwater world […]

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Alien virus within a system

The Human-Bea’viskarian War

The Human-Bea’viskarian War was a brief conflict between the two species. Following contact, the human mission, in an attempt to impress the Bea’viskar, showed them the ‘internet’ – calling it their greatest creation. However, the outcome was not as intended. The Bea’viskar was deeply affronted by the contents of this ‘internet’ and, within one solar […]

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Epic sci-fi battle - human vs. aliens

YeXXx Revolution

Known in history as the bloodiest human rebellion against the Bea’viskar rule, the conflict lasted for nearly 15 years and left nearly 30 billion people dead. The insurrection is named after its chief instigator, YeXXx. After failing in his ambition to become a rapper, YeXXx fell sick and became bedridden for several days. During that […]

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