Anthocyanins: blue leaves

Pigments of the Future: Anthocyanins in Speculative Evolution

Anthocyanins are pigments found in many plants that give them their red, purple, and blue colors. These pigments are more than just decoration; they play important roles in how plants interact with their environment. In speculative evolution—where we imagine how life might adapt to different conditions—anthocyanins can be key to understanding plant survival in alien […]

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Sophonce vs. Sapience vs. Sentience

Sophonce vs. Sapience vs. Sentience: What’s the Difference?

In science fiction, we often hear about three important concepts: sophonce, sapience, and sentience. Many people often conflate these concepts but they are different. Let’s break them down to make them easier to understand. Sophonce Think of sophonce as the highest level of understanding. It’s not just about solving problems; it’s also about knowing that […]

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Jupiter Brain space megastructure

Jupiter Brain

A Jupiter Brain is a space megastructure designed to function as an immensely powerful supercomputer, equal in mass and energy capacity of a gas giant. This machine represents the pinnacle of computational engineering, achievable only by most highly advanced civilizations. Design and Structure The core of a Jupiter Brain is typically composed of diamondoids, a […]

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convergent evolution aliens

Understanding Convergent Evolution: When Nature Copies Itself

In the world of xenobiology, there’s a fascinating concept called convergent evolution. It’s like nature’s way of creating lookalikes. Imagine two species that develop similar traits or features even though they aren’t related. This is what we call convergent evolution. Why Does Convergent Evolution Happen? Convergent evolution occurs when different species find themselves dealing with […]

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Species ascension - sci-fi concept


At a certain stage, a space civilization may become capable of intangible existence. So far, researchers within the galaxy have documented three methods of ascension and two that are hypothetically plausible. Documented Asensions Mind-uploads: Mind-uploading refers to the process of transferring a person’s consciousness, memories, and personality into a digital or artificial substrate. In an […]

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Magical cover art for Essential Elements of Worldbuilding

The 12 Essential Elements of Worldbuilding

Worldbuilding is a crucial aspect of storytelling, whether you’re crafting an epic fantasy novel, a sci-fi saga, or even a captivating historical fiction. Constructing a detailed and immersive universe helps to immerse readers and stir their imagination – both critical to successful storytelling. So, do you achieve that? To create a truly remarkable and believable […]

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Matrioshka brain - a hypothetical megastructure of immense computational capacity

Matrioshka brain

“These beings were at a league of their own – one could think of them as not being computers of immense size but eldritch deities of immense power in their own right. And, like the myths of old societies, they, too, could shape matter, space, and time.” – a human observer on Matrioshka Brains A […]

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Boltzmann brain concept art

Boltzmann brain

Boltzmann brain is a hypothetical concept in physics that states, given enough time and a universe with a high enough entropy, it is more probable that a self-aware brain would spontaneously arise in the universe by chance than for a complex universe (like ours) to form through natural processes. This brain could be a simple, […]

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A young witch casting magic


Magic is ubiquitous in Infinity Horizon. Mages, wizards, and warlocks can be found in virtually every pre-industrial terrestrial society. However, what the various races perceive as magic is merely the remnants of advanced forgotten technology. When a mage chants incantations to summon a fireball, it is merely a command in a bygone language activating the […]

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Lobsters internet

Bronstein’s Lobster Dilemma 

Bronstein’s Lobster Dilemma refers to the moral implications of uploading one’s mind into cyberspace. Given at rate at which A.I. led cyberspace progresses, any uploaded organic conscience eventually will become overwhelmed by the incomprehensible complexity. An analogy could be that of a lobster’s mind uploaded into the human internet and forced to try and figure […]

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