Plant like symbiotic alien


The Poly-Folli is a simple ‘plant-like’ creature most notable for its five microwave-sensitive antennae that reflect and amplify electromagnetic signals between one another. It’s a trait that automatically warns others of danger from long distances. Their main form of sensory faculty is their acute ability to perceive vibration. Poly-Folli are trained to insert 2 of […]

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Bag bug alien


Gulabs, or directly translated from the local tongue ‘shiny life’, are the personal ‘supply pack’ for all Nasnas combatants and hunters. Gulabs have a number of features that make them useful, even vital to have on long journeys and wartime. Gulabs secrete an anti-septic ‘healing balm’ that, when exposed to an open wound, both disinfects […]

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The Glotti are agile arboreal hunters that prey upon smaller creatures by either grabbing them with their four quick legs or trapping them in their strong mandibles. Unlike other creatures used by the Nasnas, Glotti were not sought out. Instead, they developed their domesticated traits after being ‘tolerated’ by the hunters and the like, perching […]

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Assassin Dolphin

The introduction of various species to the great space ark, Infinity Horizon, led to a rapid process of adaptation as they began to fill in new niches – adaptations that have only become more pronounced with time. One of such is the white siren. A descendant of Earth’s dugongs, white sirens can measure up to […]

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Alien hexopod


The Stormander, often dubbed a “living fossil,” closely resembles early hexopods that ventured onto land, marking a significant milestone in Laksha’s evolutionary history. With six limbs, each sporting three toes, it excels in climbing and maneuverability, traits inherited from its ancient ancestors. Bioluminescent patches on its skin, originally evolved to communicate, now have also adapted […]

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Griever animal - sci-fi alien novels


Among the largest predators that stalk the vast salt plains of Garmiwala is a night hunter known simply as…. The Griever The name stems from a semi-mythical story associated with the animal. Centuries ago, one of the first expeditions to the planet ended in disaster. Contact was lost with the ship and a rescue mission […]

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Small silicon based life

Heartthrob Needleshell

The Needleshell is a tiny burrowing creature that has adapted to enjoy a mutualistic relationship with the predatory Gutpeircer. The large carnivore shoots the Neeldleshell into prey using its needle. Once inside, the Needleshell will soon begin boring its way through the muscle and fat of the prey animal. To kill the animal as quickly […]

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Valteosite Gutpeircer

Valteosite Gutpeircer is a tertiary predator native to Valteos 36 and possesses a peculiar mutualistic relationship with Heartthrob Needleshell. Adapted to hunt large, toxin-resistant prey, through a process of predatory insurgence, the Gutpeircer will inject the small creature inside their prey, letting it destroy vital organs to kill the victim from the inside, leaving a […]

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Alien lice or bug


Swamplice, also known as “ballastbugs”, are isopod-like animals native to the tropical and subtropical coasts of Dra’Hynus. They use local, organic materials to camouflage themselves and ward off predators. The swamplice of the Behean Shelf are noted in particular for reaching larger sizes and living longer. This is more a change in diet than a […]

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Large alien - speculative evolution. Inspired by the book: Expedition

Dire Khest

On Dra’Hynus, amid the drowned deltas of the Behean Shelf, towering mangroves strip nutrients from brackish waters, and life flourishes beneath their boughs. Silt flows form small islands amongst the trees’ roots. Between these loamy isles, hidden in the murk, gardens swim against the current. The Wandering Gardens of Behea The phenomenon known as the […]

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