
Baba Plaganda

There are many worlds that probes have discovered rotating around neutron stars, of which few have been discovered to host life. Most often, these are very simple extremophilic or bacterial life. When BooHoo was discovered to harbor life through interceptions of bioproduced gases in the upper atmosphere, an expedition was immediately organized to discover the […]

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Future fauna - speculative evolution

Kalaallit Camel

A descendant of the Bactrian camel, these large hardy herbivores can be seen wandering the harsh biomes of the Southern Wastes. As the temperatures started to decrease in the Ark as part of its cycles, this species evolved adaptions for this new environment. Some of these include shorter hair during warmer seasons while in winter […]

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Gorilla-like alien. Spec-evo


On a distant planet not too dissimilar to Earth, there thrived many different lineages of animals. One of these lineages was a group of herbivores that included creatures such as Longibrachius giganteus – more commonly known as the krolithon. This was a particularly large member with a lifestyle similar to that of a gorilla, using […]

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legendary monkey, sci-fi

The Sling Goblin

You trek late at night through the forest with your friend. Suddenly there is a thunderous crack! He falls to the ground dead and you hear an orchestra of triumphant howls and laughter from every direction in the dark, even above you. More than half a million years ago, humans learned how to throw. This […]

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scientifically accurate monsters - the bogeyman

Nightmare Catcher

It seems that the monster under the bed or in the closet is not a fairy tale after all. “Vorsipellosus urbana” (Urban Hairy-shapeshifter) is known by many names: “Nightmare Catcher”, “The Bogeyman”,  “Midnight Stalker”, or just “The monster under the bed”. It is a nocturnal creature that roams near the fringes of civilization. It is […]

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Alien living fossil - speculative biology

Abinaman Nretor: The Beast that Stalks

The Abinaman nretor is an evolutionary relic that roams the alien waters of Nibbio. Once thriving in vast shallow seas, this semi-aquatic species has adapted to the altered landscapes of its super-Earth home, where oceans have vastly receded, and the environment has shifted. As a “living fossil,” the Abinaman nretor offers a rare glimpse into […]

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Marine Plant Speculative Evolution

Ratimmanis ossinedia

Monstrous flowers dot the surface of the Sargasso Sea. Held aloft by gas-filled floats and clinging to seaweed, ratimmanis ossinedia trawls the temperate waters of the future mid-Atlantic, feasting on the bounty of small fish and phytoplanktons which call the sargassum its home. Common Names Ratimmanis ossinedia comes from the Latin ratis (raft) immanis (monstrous) […]

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Cold alien planet - speculative scifi

Rogue (Planet)

Rogue is the sixth planet in the Tweedum’s home system. It is a cold planet, with both the north and south covered in kilometer-thick icecaps extending to the subtropics. Beyond, however, life thrives in its diversity, even if the environment remains harsh and unforgiving. Characterized by its distinct biome comprised of vast fields of wormgrass, […]

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Carnivorous plants - speculative evolution

Thunder Plant

The Erimian thunder plant is a species of carnivorous plant native to the dry shrublands and waterways of its homeworld, Erimia. On average they are 5 meters tall and are composed of 4 main body sections: the root system, the bulb, the leaf, and finally the wire canopy. First is the root system. The root […]

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Hostile aliens - alien culture and warfare


Amphipteres are the most recent addition to the Nasanii arsenal, used by only a small number of combatants they were introduced after years of domestic modification and training. By nature, Amphipteres are extremely hostile and for that very reason, they were domesticated and trained for interspecies combat and warfare. Amphipteres venom are also extremely toxic […]

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