
Assassin Dolphin

The introduction of various species to the great space ark, Infinity Horizon, led to a rapid process of adaptation as they began to fill in new niches – adaptations that have only become more pronounced with time. One of such is the white siren. A descendant of Earth’s dugongs, white sirens can measure up to […]

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gobos - goblins in science fiction


  Twisted forms emerge, Echoes of lost nobility, Survival’s cruel dance. Gobos are a nuisant race that inhabit the swamplands of the Known World. As individuals, they are pests, and as a group, dangerous adversaries to travelers and settlers alike. They reside on the fringes of civilization, ever seeking opportunity to prey on the unfortunate […]

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Kirtimukha - Hindu Inspired sci-fi


The Kirtimukha are an imposing sight, standing at 8 feet tall and their forms are adorned with various accessories [both synthetic and organic]. They form the elite-caste of a vast galactic empire, composed of hundreds of species. Honor-bound, they are noted both for their honesty, hospitality, and their ferocity against those unfortunate enough to wrong […]

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sentient rock. rock creature


To an uninformed observer, they may appear as megalithic structures – lifeless and unmoving. However, this is a mere misjudgment born from the relatively of time. What are centuries for other lifeforms are mere passing moments for the Gesipids. A silica-based lifeform, they communicate through emitting electromagnetic radiation. Large networks of communications can form between […]

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Life is hard in the Ashen Wastes. Water and food are scarce. For the longest time, the sands were home to only nomads, specifically a desert-adapted subspecies of Thyr known as the Kuni. They resemble tall, lithe humanoids with dark gray skin. They have black hair and are highly muscular. They are also resilient; a […]

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Truncodile - speculative evolution apex predator


Endemic to the Black Coast Islands in Infinity Horizon lies an endemic predator with a nightmarish reputation. You might see a hand struggling to stay above water and even muffled cries of drowning, but upon closer inspection, the hand is a crude imitation of one, with the arm a tentacle. The truncodile, or, as known […]

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Fictional world of Armageddon


Formally, a capital metropolis of the Ark, the region has since over countless millennia turned into ruin and overtaken by nature. Nevertheless, hidden caches of advanced technologies can still be found then and now, which are exploited by the various races that inhabit the lost continent. Today, it is only known as Armageddon, for it […]

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Vaukala - realistic night goblins

Vaukala [Night Merchants]

Inside the Ark, when the sun dims, those who remember and watch chart the world with the hearths of men and monsters. The Vaukala have gone by many names since they crossed the Great Expanse to Armageddon decades ago, called by their “god” of magic and a hunger for more than knowledge. Tales of “The […]

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Space Elves Art


The Alfar are an offshoot of humans that were genetically modified by the Bea’viskar during the YeXXx rebellion. Rather uncharacterized of a space-age war, the conflict revolved primarily around terrestrial combat. Instead of decisive space battles, the contested planets became the battlegrounds for colossal field armies vying for dominance. The Alfar served in support and […]

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Sci-fi epic war poster - giant gators


Titanic in proportion and armed with keen intelligence, if you ever come across an Armagator, better pray it doesn’t consider you an enemy. While found scattered throughout the Ark, sighting one remains rare. This is because they usually reside in places considered extremely inhospitable to most other organics. Armagators are considered a form of hyperthermophiles, […]

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