Sapient aliens. Speculative evolution


The Nasnas are a unique sapient race with a weird series of adaptations, even compared to where they come from. They evolved from a group of primitive quadrupedal omnivores that still had partially finned arms and legs. These animals were fairly unspecialized but were beginning to use their intelligence and form ‘camps’ to hunt and […]

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Tharoch Aeth

The Tharoch Aeth, meaning “Cutting Flame,” are the dominant species of Elgøaq, an artificial moon.  Their society is defined by a strict caste system, perpetual warfare, and the divine influence of their machine god, Vahl. Biology The Tharoch Aeth are humanoid in shape, characterized by an iron-rich exoskeleton – a feature only viable due to the […]

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Kirtimukha - Hindu Inspired sci-fi


The Kirtimukha are an imposing sight, standing at 8 feet tall and their forms are adorned with various accessories [both synthetic and organic]. They form the elite-caste of a vast galactic empire, composed of hundreds of species. Honor-bound, they are noted both for their honesty, hospitality, and their ferocity against those unfortunate enough to wrong […]

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Prometheus Description - Concept

Prometheus Protocol

The Prometheus Protocol is a highly controversial ongoing war tactic employed against the Deluge by the Coalition. Implemented by the matrioshka brain, Pathfinder, it involves deliberately injecting false memories or misinformation into the populace of less strategic planets before sacrificing them to the Deluge. Since the entity absorbs the consciousness and memories of those it […]

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Fictional world of Armageddon


Formally, a capital metropolis of the Ark, the region has since over countless millennia turned into ruin and overtaken by nature. Nevertheless, hidden caches of advanced technologies can still be found then and now, which are exploited by the various races that inhabit the lost continent. Today, it is only known as Armageddon, for it […]

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Species ascension - sci-fi concept


At a certain stage, a space civilization may become capable of intangible existence. So far, researchers within the galaxy have documented three methods of ascension and two that are hypothetically plausible. Documented Asensions Mind-uploads: Mind-uploading refers to the process of transferring a person’s consciousness, memories, and personality into a digital or artificial substrate. In an […]

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Beastmen of the southern wastes


The Dravuri, or as they are known in the common tongue, “Darkbloods” are an aggressive, barbaric race that inhabit the Southern Wastes. Though considered profane, brutish, and uncivilized outcasts by the other races, few outsiders are actually privy to their true way of life. No one save for the Darkbloods are capable of living in […]

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Colorful clouds of a gas planet. High contrast. Radiant daylight.

The Enigma of Chastreon

Initiating Archive Retrieval Sequence… Stand by. Searching for Encrypted Entry: Captain Elu’Parata log #233 Security Firewall Detected. Bypassing… Decrypting… Decryption in Progress… Estimated Time Remaining: 2 minutes. Decrypting… 45%… 67%… 89%… Decryption Complete. As we hurtled towards Chastreon, I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around the extraordinary voyage we were embarking upon. The very notion […]

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Advanced underwater alien civilization


Far within the depths of the structure’s oceans lies a civilization far more advanced than any terrestrial counterpart. Cities of immense size filled with wonders inconceivable to the uninformed stick out as lit oases amidst the unending abyss. The Nokk prize technology and science above all. While their realm has been ever-expanding, the underwater world […]

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The Known World Fantasy Map

The Known World

The Known World, at least referred to as such by those that live here, is a region within Infinity Horizon. It is notable for having the highest concentration of human inhabitants within the ark, though various other races also make their homes here. To its north lies the uncharted Wild Lands, and to the East, […]

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